Week Four

My friends and family all will attest to the fact that I’m stubborn. I’ve been known to build up walls to protect myself from being hurt, so sometimes I tend to loose touch with my true emotions.  I got off the phone with my best friend Jenese and her words played over and over “Jan…

Week three 

Cancer – when we speak of this word, the action or result associated with it is often DEATH. As I often sit and think about my diagnosis and the fact I’ll have to experience minor changes is a blessing. Never being able to speak like I’ve done my whole life and living with an Obturator…

Week Two

Knowing why you’re in pain makes the suffering so much more horrible. Knowing that it’s not just a toothache, knowing that it’s not a headache or knowing that it’s not sinus pressure makes it all that more worst. I am however beginning to accept the fact that my life will forever change. Life’s experiences are…

 When Cancer strikes 

I turned 30 on August 23rd,  and wanted it to be mellow and relaxing birthday. So, I opted for a weekend of cleaning my room, hanging with my children and babysitting my granddaughter.  It was perfect! The following week, I was in the Emergency room of NYU Dental- seeking answers regarding pain I’ve been experiencing…